European Teachers and Students' Jury
Anna Miśkowiec
Polish Literature teacher, Doctor of Philosophy, convinced that education should not take place only within classroom boundaries, works in the Secondary School nr 2 in Nowy Targ, Poland. She initiates and conducts local and international school projects, writes proprietary curriculum, cooperates with the Centre of Educational Research and Lifelong Learning at Jagiellonian University, as well as with the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication of The Pontificial University of John Paul II in Cracow. She is the initiator and coordinator of all-Poland preliminaries for the international contest Booktrailer Film Festival; coordinated in her school the realization of the project ERASMUS+ Booktrailer Film Festival: Developing Adolescents’ Reading Literacy Through Digital-supported, Collaborative and Informal Education. Popularizer of booktrailers as one of the methods of working with a literary text.
Agnieszka Dziuban-Kłaput
Graduate of Teacher Training College in Zakopane and the Institute of the Americas and Europe at Warsaw University. As a teacher of English in the Secondary School nr 2 in Nowy Targ, Poland she co-organises international school exchanges and educational projects. She is the initiator of interscholastic English contest called “How well do you know English”. She also co-operates with The Podhale State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Targ and was engaged in the realization of Erasmus+ project „Booktrailer Film Festival: Developing Adolescents’ Reading Literacy Through Digital-supported, Collaborative and Informal Education” during which she used booktrailers as the method to popularize reading and teaching literature. In her work she uses booktrailers. At present she is involved in the Erasmus+ project „ART TЯA: From Artrailers Towards New Skills and Competences, More Responsive to The Labour Market and The Knowledge-based Society Needs”.
Viola Bordet
I am eighteen and I am a student at the Calini scientific high school in Brescia. I really like cinema, theater and photography; in particular I have been part of the theater group of my school for three years (thanks to which I have been able to participate to other extracurricular projects) and I attended some photography courses.
Zuzanna Rączka
Student of the Secondary School nr 2 in Nowy Targ, Poland, who is interested in history, literature and cinematography. She has taken part in The Booktrailer Film Festival twice. During 11th edition of BFF her booktrailer „The Witch of Dark Falls” reached the finals. She was able to share her experience with children during The International Festival of Children’s Literature in Rabka Zdrój in 2019. Last year, she took the first place in the 10th edition of the „Competition of knowledge about a life and creativity of Jacek Kaczmarski”.
Camelia Săpoiu
Camelia Săpoiu has a PhD in Linguistics and she teaches Romanian language and literature at the "Spiru Haret" National College in Bucharest. She is the author/co-author of educational and scientific articles and books and she has a blog about her experiences as a Romanian teacher in the online journal „Punct și virgulă”. She has been organizing together with Ștefania Ciobanu a Booktrailer Film Contest in Romania since 2017.
Laura Lazarescu-Thois
Laura Lăzărescu-Thois a absolvit în 2008 Departamentul Multimedia: sunet-montaj din cadrul Facultăţii de Film a UNATC „I.L. Caragiale” Bucureşti. În 2009 a devenit studentă a Şcolii Doctorale a UNATC, cu un subiect de cercetare pe tema sunetului în filmul de animaţie american. Au urmat două granturi de cercetare la Berlin Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen „Konrad Wolf” în Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germania, iar în iunie 2012 a obţinut titlul de doctor în domeniul Cinematografie şi Media. Laura este conferențiar universitar doctor şi predă în cadrul Departamentului de sunet al Facultății de Film din UNATC. În 2018 a terminat cel de-al doilea studiu, obținând licența în marketing la Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti. Ea lucrează în producţia de film şi video, dar şi în marketing, fiind responsabilă pentru strategia, conţinutul sau marketingul online pentru diferite festivaluri, agenţii sau clienţi. Din februarie 2020 este Director PR, Comunicare, Imagine la UNATC.
Tiziana Savio
Dopo il Liceo classico, si è laureata in lettere presso l’Università degli studi di Milano. Insegnante liceale di italiano e latino da più di trenta anni, è stata pioniera nell’impiego degli strumenti informatici a scuola, nonché coordinatrice di una sezione sperimentale potenziata con la multimedialità, istituita già nel lontano 2000. Appassionata di cinema, ne ha introdotto l’insegnamento a scuola a partire dagli anni ’90 approfondendone il linguaggio e il rapporto con la letteratura. A fianco dell'ideatrice, prof. ssa Laura Forcella, è stata tra i primi organizzatori e promotori del Booktrailer Film Festival. Fa parte della giuria sin dalla prima edizione del festival.
Luca Vidulis
Insegna matematica al liceo scientifico. Ama il cinema, il fumetto, il calcio, la fotografia naturalistica, la lettura. Professionista della scuola a tempo pieno, ha investito passione ed energie nell’insegnamento. Provvisto di speciali doti empatiche, è un ottimo mentore capace di suscitare entusiasmo negli allievi Ha promosso la partecipazione degli studenti ad iniziative nazionali come le Olimpiadi della matematica, contribuendo al conseguimento di risultati prestigiosi. Fa parte della giuria fin dalla prima edizione del festival e svolge questo incarico con piacere ed impegno. La sua inguaribile precisione, che l’insegnamento della matematica non ha potuto che aggravare negli anni, lo rende un killer implacabile di sviste e imperfezioni, dote preziosissima in seno alla giuria
Petra Bjelajac
My name is Petra Bjelajac, I am a teacher Croatian language and literature. I'm teaching Croatian language and film art in two high schools (Gimnazija Karlovac and Economic and touristic school – vocational school). I have been participating several times in Four River Film Festival in Karlovac where I have been leading a Youth jury. I have finished workshops of feature film, experimental film and film theory workshop. I often shoot movies with my students and we send them to many film festivals. I have finished also an Erasmus+ course about audiovisual and social media in classroom which I attended in Barcelona two years ago. Since I'm also a teacher of Croatian language and literature, that is my main area of interest.
Sandra Jurić
Sandra Jurić was born in Karlovac on World Teachers' Day so it comes as no surprise that she works as a full time Croatian teacher at Gimnazija Karlovac. She studied Phonetics and Croatian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. In her line of work, she has cooperated with various organizations that promote verbal and non-verbal communication; that encourage the young to become filmmakers; that point out the importance of literacy, reading, reading out loud, media literacy and critical thinking; that study the connection between literature, theatre and film. In Gimnazija Karlovac she runs a school drama group. In her free time, she likes reading and travelling and she is a dog owner.
Mihaela Tek
My name is Mihaela Tek. I'm 15 and a high school student from Croatia. In my free time I like to watch films, read poetry or novels and write my own stories. I'm a member of our schools debating club, GLOBE program and a member of our local film club in which I live my acting dreams.
Aurelia Maria Popescu
Hello! My name is Aurelia Maria Popescu and I live in the city of Bucharest and I'm a student in the 11th grade at National College "Spiru Haret". I have been in the Booktrailer jury since 2020. I'm a very passionate theatre & movie kid, sew cosplays and am an actual Youtube editor (I use Premiere and After Effects mostly)! I love expressing myself through many arts including film, theatre, music and writing. Oh, have I mentioned that I also publish movie reviews? :)
Laura Ștefania Neacșu
I am a very talkative person, i have an open mind and i really like socialising. I like movies and to think the deep meaning of them.
Aleksandra Podgórna
Student of the final class in the Secondary School nr 2 in Nowy Targ, Poland. She takes an interest in broadly understood culture as well as art and social issues. She is sensitive to surroundings and esthetic experience. In her free she draws and goes trekking in the mountains. Last school year Aleksandra was the president of the Student Council and was responsible for the school's yearbook. She has organised many school initiatives and worked with school voluntary group. Aleksandra was the finalist of the elocutionary contest - XXII Konkursu Krasomówczego im. Wojciecha Korfantego, as well as XI edition of Booktrailer Film Festival. She was also a volunteer at The International Festival of Children’s Literature in Rabka Zdrój in 2019.
Peace! ✌ Make music, not war!
Mario Dall'Asta
Sono Mario Dall'Asta, ho diciassette anni e sono uno studente della classe 4^G del Liceo A. Calini. La mia più grande passione è la scrittura: mi dedico a racconti, riflessioni e poesie di ogni genere, sono stato direttore del giornalino d'istituto per un anno e da alcuni mesi scrivo anche per un magazine distribuito a livello nazionale. Inoltre, mi piace leggere (soprattutto classici) e ho recitato per diversi anni in una scuola di teatro. Mi è già capitato di partecipare, direttamente e non, alla realizzazione di un booktrailer, tra cui "L'Anello di Re Salomone" con mia sorella Mirella Dall'Asta e mia cugina Francesca Pich, ma non mi sono mai cimentato nell'impresa personalmente. In ogni caso, mi sento davvero onorato di questa opportunità, e spero che il festival torni al più presto dal vivo con la premiazione al teatro sociale!