European Teachers and Students' Jury
Anna Miśkowiec
Polish Literature teacher, Doctor of Philosophy, convinced that education should not take place only within classroom boundaries, works in the Secondary School nr 2 in Nowy Targ, Poland. She initiates and conducts local and international school projects, writes proprietary curriculum, cooperates with the Centre of Educational Research and Lifelong Learning at Jagiellonian University, as well as with the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication of The Pontificial University of John Paul II in Cracow. She is the initiator and coordinator of all-Poland preliminaries for the international contest Booktrailer Film Festival; coordinated in her school the realization of the project ERASMUS+ Booktrailer Film Festival: Developing Adolescents’ Reading Literacy Through Digital-supported, Collaborative and Informal Education. Popularizer of booktrailers as one of the methods of working with a literary text.
Stefania Ciobanu
Ștefania Ciobanu is a teacher of Romanian language and literature for 11 years, at the secondary school (gymnasium) and at the high school. She has a PhD in Romanian Literature and she loves reading, ballet, opera, piano, and movies. She likes to teach, to help students and teachers to improve themselves. She is a trainer on evaluation and curriculum, and she has been organizing together with Camelia Săpoiu a Booktrailer Film Contest in Romania since 2017.
Camelia Săpoiu
Camelia Săpoiu has a PhD in Linguistics and she teaches Romanian language and literature at the "Spiru Haret" National College in Bucharest. She is the author/co-author of educational and scientific articles and books and she has a blog about her experiences as a Romanian teacher in the online journal „Punct și virgulă”. She has been organizing together with Ștefania Ciobanu a Booktrailer Film Contest in Romania since 2017.
Karolina Kowalczyk
A student of Secondary School No. 2 in Nowy Targ, Poland, interested in cinematography, art, history as well as travelling. She has taken part in the Booktrailer Film Festival twice, which allowed her to develop and acquire new skills. Additionally, as part of the Erasmus + program she made a movie for the ArtTrailer Project. She could share her experiences with young people during open days at school and by giving an interview for cable TV from Nowy Targ. Karolina has taken part in historical workshops and a competition organized by Papal University of John Paul II in Krakow in which she was a finalist. A project in which she could also participate was the Flying Youth University, its aim was to deepen the historical knowledge about Nowy Targ and its surroundings.
Tiziana Savio
Dopo il Liceo classico, si è laureata in lettere presso l’Università degli studi di Milano. Insegnante liceale di italiano e latino da più di trenta anni, è stata pioniera nell’impiego degli strumenti informatici a scuola, nonché coordinatrice di una sezione sperimentale potenziata con la multimedialità, istituita già nel lontano 2000. Appassionata di cinema, ne ha introdotto l’insegnamento a scuola a partire dagli anni ’90 approfondendone il linguaggio e il rapporto con la letteratura. A fianco dell'ideatrice, prof. ssa Laura Forcella, è stata tra i primi organizzatori e promotori del Booktrailer Film Festival. Fa parte della giuria sin dalla prima edizione del festival.
Luca Vidulis
Insegna matematica al liceo scientifico. Ama il cinema, il fumetto, il calcio, la fotografia naturalistica, la lettura. Professionista della scuola a tempo pieno, ha investito passione ed energie nell’insegnamento. Provvisto di speciali doti empatiche, è un ottimo mentore capace di suscitare entusiasmo negli allievi Ha promosso la partecipazione degli studenti ad iniziative nazionali come le Olimpiadi della matematica, contribuendo al conseguimento di risultati prestigiosi. Fa parte della giuria fin dalla prima edizione del festival e svolge questo incarico con piacere ed impegno. La sua inguaribile precisione, che l’insegnamento della matematica non ha potuto che aggravare negli anni, lo rende un killer implacabile di sviste e imperfezioni, dote preziosissima in seno alla giuria
Agnieszka Dziuban-Kłaput
the graduate of Teacher Training College in Zakopane and the Institute of the Americas and Europe at Warsaw University. As a teacher of English in the Secondary School nr 2 in Nowy Targ, Poland she co-organises international school exchanges and educational projects. She is the initiator of interscholastic English contest called “How well do you know English”. She also co-operates with The Podhale State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Targ and was engaged in the realization of Erasmus+ project Booktrailer Film Festival: Developing Adolescents’ Reading Literacy Through Digital-supported, Collaborative and Informal Education during which she used booktrailers as the method to popularize reading and teaching literature. In her work she uses booktrailers. At present she is involved in the Erasmus+ project ART TЯA: From Artrailers Towards New Skills and Competences, More Responsive to The Labour Market and The Knowledge-based Society Needs
Aurelia Maria Popescu
Hello! My name is Aurelia Maria Popescu and I live in the city of Bucharest and I'm a student in the 11th grade at National College "Spiru Haret". I have been in the Booktrailer jury since 2020. I'm a very passionate theatre & movie kid, sew cosplays and am an actual Youtube editor (I use Premiere and After Effects mostly)! I love expressing myself through many arts including film, theatre, music and writing. Oh, have I mentioned that I also publish movie reviews? :)
Dorota Walasik
A student of the Secondary School nr 2 in Nowy Targ, Poland. Dorota is a children’s entertainer interested in music, embroidery and cinematography. In her free time, she also draws and likes to travel. She has sighseen almost the entire coast of Poland. Interpersonal contacts are crucial for her. She has taken part in The Booktrailer Film Festival twice. Additionally, she made a movie for the ArtTrailer Project in the Erasmus+ program. Dorota took part in workshops on creating a booktrailer as part of the project ,,With a camera among books. Literature through the lens of new technologies” during which she shared her experience with her peers from the I Secondary School in Rumia, Poland.
Maja Sokač
Maja Sokač graduated in Croatian language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. She is a teacher of Croatian language at Gimnazija Karlovac. As member of a working group for digital materials within the i-nastava project, she independently produces video lectures. She is a member of the Council for Culture of the City of Karlovac for dramatic and performing arts.
Petra Vinski
She was born in Karlovac and studied English and Croatian language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. At the moment, she is working as a teacher in three high schools in Karlovac County. She is teaching English language in Srednja škola Slunj and Croatian language in Tehnička škola Karlovac. In Gimnazija Karlovac, she is teaching an elective class about film studies and leading school’s photo group and video group. Both groups consist of creative and talented students who make films and take photos for the school’s purposes, but also for other projects, festivals, and international events.
Laura Ana Krijan
Hello, I'm Laura Ana Krijan, a sixteen year old highschooler from Karlovac, Croatia. Some of the things I enjoy are literature, history, cinema, food and long walks shrouded in contemplation of my own existence. I'm really fond of the works of Oscar Wilde, and in regards to film i have a rather deep-rooted fascination with asian culture, and consequently appreciate directors such as Wong Kar-wai. Aesthetically, im attracted to anything with an antique or vintage look, that has a vivid imprint of time itself, like a dusty sepia colored photograph, and i especially love when small details like that are shown in movies, when you can see that the director paid extra attention to the cinematography and atmosphere.
Hana Skočibušić
Elena Zanelli
Alessandro Bignami
Frequenta il Liceo scientifico Annibale Calini a Brescia. Le sue passioni sono il calcio, il true crime e il cinema. Passione per il cinema che coltiva fin da piccolo, quando suo padre lo inizia a quest’arte. Da gran appassionato del genere horror inizia ad allargare i suoi orizzonti al cinema in generale, senza precludersi alcun tipo di pellicola. Ama i film di Woody Allen e il cinema d'autore. He attends Calini scientific High School in Brescia. His passions are soccer, true crime and cinema. Passions for cinema that he has cultivated since childhood when his father introduced him to this art. As a great lover of the horror genre, he begins to broaden his horizons to cinema in general, without foreclosing on any type of film. He loves Woody Allen's films and arthouse cinema.
Oana Blănaru
A junior student at "Spiru Haret" National College in Bucharest. She is keen on broadening her culture through reading, travelling and sports. Passionate about law and organising events, she wants to bridge the cultural gap between nations and individuals. Having been taking acting classes has given her a wider perspective of the world, as well as a sense of humour and understanding for the film making industry.