BFF - The European Mobility Week from the 15th to the 20th April 2018

Booktrailer Film Festival
Booktrailer Film Festival 6 anni fa
We all invite you to take part to the Booktrailer Film Festival's events, in the European Mobility Week , from the 15th to the 20th April 2018 on literature,cinema and the web. The writer Paolo Rumiz, the book-tuber Matteo Fumagalli and THE ACTOR AND FILM DIRECTOR MAURIZIO NICHETTI will be there,on different dates that you can't miss. The city schools' theatre workshops are going to hold an invitation to reading in a curious and creative way. Students Delegations from Bulgaria, France, Poland and the Netherlands

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Booktrailer Film Festival
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Booktrailer Film Festival

Uno spazio d’incontro e di confronto sulla lettura e sulle sue modalità di promozione attraverso il linguaggio del cinema

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